Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Legalities of Photography

I've been a bit tardy in updating my blog, but I have been traveling quite a lot recently and it's certainly chewed up my free time.

Nonetheless, here is an interesting video from Darren Pollard on Youtube. Many photographers (and videographers) are unaware of their rights and surrender immediately upon a confrontation with the authorities. Darren Pollard is NOT one of these people. In this video, he stands his ground and asserts his rights against a couple of overzealous officers who should know better.

May favorite part is when he asks them "what section" when they claim his photography is an offence. This question should be burned into every shooters mind and asked whenever challenged about photographer in a public place. You need to either defind your rights or loose them, there is no middle ground.

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Blogger Donna said...

Awesome posting. Thank you for that. The guy was masterful and funny.

January 31, 2008 at 12:29 PM  

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