Sunday, February 3, 2008

Finally - Gloves for shooters

If you're like me and you shot outdoors, at some point the weather will turn cold. I'm pretty good in cold weather, but eventually I need to wear gloves.

When you're trying to shoot, this creates problems, primarily that you need to remove the gloves to do almost anything. Reaching into a pocket, changing a setting, reaching into the photo bag all require the removal of a glove or two. Once this happens, your hands start getting cold and you probably lose at least one of the gloves. I can;t tell you how many gloves I've left like little mementos of my visit.

Lowepro has some wonderful photographer's gloves that both protect against the cold and allow you to work with your gloves on. These mesh fabric gloves are thin, but warm, and have something called "control dots on the palm and finger side. These dots let you work even the tiniest buttons without removing the gloves.

More info at:,1990,44.htm

I've used these now in temperatures as bad a -17C and they were fine. Even though they're mesh, they seem fine in strong winds. I haven't used them wet, but I think they might even be fine then.

These take up very little space in a bag, cost about $30, and can mean the difference between a good shoot and a bad time. I'm even thinking of getting spare pairs.

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